About Me

I love digital art. Currently an illustration student. Concept art is the dream.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


FENG ZHU advised never get obsessed with a game when trying it out in one of his free tutorials( somewhere here http://www.fengzhudesign.com/tutorials.htm).....not possible. Guild Wars 2..I suppose is more addictive because there's people always talking and no one is an ass if you don't know something.
ANDto be honest...there is so much concept art within the damn game you see..so stunning.

..I got inspired to draw more...
So I started this a while back and now just finished it off. Quick try w/o sketch or anything..More just experiment and practice to see what I can do..maybe 2-3h total of work or less. I am so much faster at landscapes lol.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


It's been a while ...because I am playing wayyyy too much of guild wars 2.
BUT i'm on break and have been drawing everyday ...
3h speed painting. More experimenting with some brushes than anything..